Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He's Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother!

Here we are - the handsome princes.
These 2 brothers are the twin brothers who I have mentioned before.
They are Jiarong (with the grey t-shirt) & Jiachen (with the white t-shirt).
Jiarong is the elder brother & Jiachen is the youngest.
Both are now in Kindergarten 1 (Wow, times really flies!)
Both characters are very loving & caring.
They adore Rico very much!! They will (without fail) give Rico HUGS & KISSES & help looks after Rico if my mum is busy doing her stuffs. At this point, I also realised that, somewhat, Rico would love to follow their way of behaving like giving someone a warm hugs, caring someone etc. Thanks boys!! :)

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